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Well it looks pretty simple but it took quite awhile to make it fit together.
One of the problems we encounter were space limitation , due to the fact that we used two servo motors instead of one.The plate that held the two motors into place were pretty small , this caused our mechanism to knock against each other when it operates.We solved this problem by placing each arm on a different level , One higher then the other and we filed off any unnecessary corners that would allow the restriction of movement.
Programming was also tough as we had to program two servo motors at once.This was easily solved by our group's programmer.
After we made some final touches , the Can-Can challenge begins.
Our Group B's first try :
We didn't do too bad , on our first try we got a total of 10 cans.But one other group had 11 cans on their second try.So we prayed that we would exceed their score on the second try.
We did better in our second try , we scored a total of 13 cans.We ended up with the highest score among the groups.This goes to show simple designs has its advantages. With this the Can-Can Challenge ended.
Throughout the weeks of preparing for the challenge we faced some tough decisions and problems.We learnt how to compromise and make our mechanism work the way we want it to.
We had a very fun and enjoyable experience.We like to thank Mr raja ,our lecturer for making this such a enjoyable module.
Thank You!